People make meaning of events in their lives through story. No more than young people. Who's creative energy has been mostly untapped and unhindered outside the watering down of mainstream education. 

The Narratives they construct around their upbringing, experiences, relationships (familial or societal), or have had constructed for them by these same social structures become the stories they live by and impact how they view their past, present, and future. As well as acting as the major building blocks of their personal identity. 

These stories can be reauthored to become preferred stories, using the components that comprise a story, such as action, time, sequence, plot, context, relationships, and cultural and societal influence.


This Course will provide you with knowledge to further support young people to foster the ability to live their values so they can effectively confront current and future challenges.

To walk beside young people as they discover this truth and to recognise the unique spark of every young individual, pluck that thread from obscurity, and guide them in weaving their purpose through the tapestry of a meaningful and fulfilling life. 

We hope that this new knowledge will help inspire you, individually or part of an organisation, school or grassroots community service, to think about new ways of supporting young people in your community.

May this course provide a training ground of insights, reflections and actionable steps to applying both narrative therapies and mentorship philosophies into your current qualification or service delivery modalities.